Trusted Standard is a flexible and outcome-focussed quality standard designed to help charities and voluntary organisations operate more effectively and efficiently

What is Trusted Standard?

Backed by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), Trusted Standard is a nationally recognised quality standard. It can help your organisation to:

  • carry out a systematic self-assessment process across 11 quality areas, covering all aspects of operation
  • gain independent accreditation following an external assessment.

Research has shown that organisations using Trusted Standard gain the following benefits:

  • Better quality of services for users – strengthening outcomes and impact for your organisation.
  • More effective and efficient organisational systems and procedures - freeing up time and energy to focus on what really matters to you and your organisation.
  • Better communication amongst staff, Board members and volunteers - providing team members with time to reflect on their achievements and how they feel further improvements can be made.
  • Increased motivation for staff, Board members and volunteers - involving everyone in the process of improving the way you work will bring fresh ideas, new ways of working and commitment to the changes you bring about.
  • Greater credibility and legitimacy with funders and partners - reassuring them that your organisation is using an established quality standard to plan and review continuous improvement.
  • More creative thinking, enabling new perspectives and ways of working – encouraging all team members (and service users) to work together to consider how improvements can be made and ensuring their ideas are heard.
  • Organisational learning – utilising an external framework to review your current practices and, where appropriate, to enhance team members’ and your organisation’s performance.
  • Continuous improvement – establishing processes to embed continuous improvement within your organisation.

Achieving the Trusted Standard accreditation will give your organisation:

  • external verification that you have achieved Trusted Standard. You will have a choice of using the Trusted Standard or the Trusted Charity Standard logos and certificates.
  • recognition and legitimacy with funders and partners- reassuring them that an independent assessor has confirmed that your organisation is well run, conforms to legal requirements, is accountable and transparent.
  • increased engagement from staff, Board members and volunteers to continue your improvement journey and retain the accreditation in future.
  • confirmation that your organisation has reached a recognised quality standard.
  • enhanced organisational learning through the assessment process.

Get in touch

Contact us today to see how we can support your organisation to implement the Trusted Standard

Request your Welcome to Trusted Standard guide!

Would you like to know more about Trusted Charity Standard? Click here to request your free Welcome to Trusted Standard! guide to learn how it can benefit your organisation.

Upcoming Webinar

Tuesday April 29th
11:30AM - 12:15PM BST

Customer Spotlight:
Trusted Standard Journey